Ayerbe has developed a new range of Generators with fuel tanks that provide major autonomy; the tanks are integrated in the electrogenerator base in a product line primarily adapted for support work in communication towers.

The Ayerbe Company has risen to the engineering challenge from a national Telephone company to manufacture a product line specifically designed for continuous power-supply to communication towers.

The electrogenerator set is a support component in all types of installations; it is autonomous for the load compensation in the case of low battery voltage or it is used for surveillance in the communication towers fed by the Company network.

It also acts as a security component in these zones, always maintaining a separate line in order to control alarms and surveillance cameras.

These types of installations require data in real time, these options facilitate the issue of commands by telephone, direct signal or data may be controlled by computer.

With all these requirements, three body types have been designed which cover power ratings from 10 kva to 75 kva, managed by a new modem control unit, which makes it possible to obtain readings for situations and events which take place in real time.

The implementation began this year and the aim is to conclude in November of next year.

This new product line inaugurates a new market in all types of similar installations such as solar energy farms, gas control plants, automation systems for irrigation canals, etc.

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